Our Lady of the Assumption
Diocese of Fall River

76 Wianno Ave
Osterville, MA 02655
Tel: 508.428.2011
Fax: 508.428.0154
A warm welcome to you and other viewers who visit our Parish on the Net. We hope you'll find this "extension" of our Parish inviting and interesting. Please know that you are most welcome to visit us, literally, by sharing in weekend worship with us. If we can be of service to you, personally, please don't hesitate to e-mail and we will return a message a.s.a.p! An anonymous author has written, "There are two words used a great deal by Jesus in the Gospels. One is 'Come' and the other is 'Go'. It's no use coming unless you go, and it's no use going unless you come."
​Home Resources
For both OLV and OLA parishioners, if you or a family member would like Bulletins mailed to you each week, please email Barbara@olvparish.org or call 508.775.5744x200 and leave your name and phone number, and she will return your call. (As a reminder, bulletins can also be accessed on our website.)
Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure
We are blessed at Our Lady of the Assumption to have thoughtful, generous parishioners who support the good works of our faith community with their time, talent, and treasure.
Click here for information about We Share, our Electronic Giving partner
Please take a moment to fill out our Stewardship of Time and Talent and Census form.
Our Next GIFT Session is January 12, 2025
Everyone is invited! Yes, everyone. This innovative and interactive faith formation model is based in the lived experience of the parish community, the family and household. Its goal is to use the cycle of our Church year to provide opportunities to reflect, pray and learn the theology behind the events we celebrate each year. This learning occurs not by isolated segments of our community, but together: all people of the parish - adults, young adults, youth, children, single, married, widowed, divorced, families - coming together.
Visit www.olvgift.com for more information.
Solemnity of Mary: Is a Holy Day of Obligation
Join us for Mass on New Year's Day at 8AM
Take a tour!

We have a long history of serving the Catholic Community in the Osterville area. Read a little about our history, and take a photo tour of the grounds and church.
Office Hours
Monday to Friday, 9:00AM to 3PM
Church Hours
9AM to 1PM Daily
Daily Mass Schedule
Monday-Friday at 8AM
Monday-Friday at 7:35AM
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Divine Mercy Chaplet
Every Friday after the 8AM Mass
Sunday Mass Saturday, 4PM
Sunday, 9AM and 11AM
Held the first Sunday of the month at 12:30PM. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Congratulations! Notice of intent is required 8 months in advance.
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the Parish Office if this sacrament is needed.
Safe Environment
Parish is committed to providing a safe place for all the faithful. Therefore, we follow a strict policy of The Essential Three for all who minister, work or volunteer in our parish. We ask for your cooperation and support. The safety of our community depends on all of us doing our part. Please visit the Diocesan Safe Environment page for more information: