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We have many ways for you to grow in your faith together.

Keep an eye on the bulletin for the most recent offerings.

Of course, most importantly we invite you to join us for Mass. Our schedule can be found here
Join us for the Rosary Monday through Friday before Mass at 7:35AM.


GIFT-Generations in Faith Together
Bible Study
Lectio Divina

GIFT-our Faith Formation Program is held at Our Lady of Victory Parish
GIFT replaces the traditional Faith Formation model. Rather than dropping children off once per week, families attend together several times per year.

But GIFT is not just for children! Does this include you? Yes! GIFT is for all ages including: Singles, Couples, College Students, Teenagers, Kids, Mom & Dad, Grandma & Grandpa, Students, Empty Nesters, Newcomers, Families, Retired People and All Parishioners!

Based upon the Gospel and the call of Pope Benedict XVI and his predecessors for a new evangelization and stronger catechetical effort, and after much discernment, we have changed our faith formation program to what we call GIFT: Generations in Faith Together. GIFT uses a liturgy-centered, lifelong, and intergenerational approach to Catholic faith formation. The goal is to help and support everyone who wishes to become a better disciple by integrating faith, worship, and life in light of the Gospel. Since this is an ongoing, lifelong task, we invite everyone in the parish to participate.

See the GIFT website at for registration and more info.


Bible Study-held at Our Lady of Victory Parish

Bible Study meets each Tuesday, one class at 9:30AM-11AM, and another class at 6PM-7:30PM. These are on-going classes and you may come on a regular basis or come when your schedule permits. Please contact Eleanor Ubaldini through the OLV office at

Regardless of previous knowledge, all are welcomed!! Bible Study objectives:
1. To know that the entire Bible is the Living Word of God (46 Books of the Old Testament and 27 Books of the New Testament-Catholic Bible.

2. To know that the Bible is the story of salvation history whereby God, after the fall of  man, wants to lead all people back to Him.

3. To know that the Old Testament and the New Testament is an indivisible unit, with the same God present in both works.

4. To know that each book points to Christ and displays Christ.

5. To know eventually and with patience each of the books of the Bible and to help each other discover their meaning.

6. “To develop the personal disciplines of studying, understanding, and communication the message of the Bible.”

7. To equip us for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Lectio Divina-held at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish

Lectio Divina, or Divine Reading, is a traditional monastic practice for experiencing scripture as The Living Word to connect with and deepen our relationship with the Divine.  The process contains four stages ~~~~Read, Reflect Respond, and Contemplate. The roots of this ancient practice goes back to the third century.  The Second Vatican Council recommended  Lectio Divina  to the general  public.  
He said to them in reply, "My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it."  Luke 8:21  

Keep an eye on the bulletin for the next session.

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