Our Lady of the Assumption
Diocese of Fall River

Ministry of Hope
The purpose of this ministry is to provide the opportunity for persons preparing a funeral or memorial service for their deceased loved ones to be actively involved in the process. Volunteers assist family members and/or friends at the time of death by visiting them in their homes or meeting at the Parish Office to help plan the music and readings for the funeral liturgy. They also offer the bereaved opportunities for participation in the Mass of the Resurrection as readers or gift bearers. On the day of the funeral, they serve as greeters at the Mass. A few weeks after the funeral, they call or visit the family to offer support if it is needed.
If you have a desire to become more an active participant during a funeral Mass, the altar-serving ministry is a great way to do so, by participating in a more intimate way. The primary duty is to assist the priest with designated tasks done in a certain form with attention, dignity and reverence. Proper server etiquette and tasks are reviewed/taught by more senior acolytes, in brief instructional sessions using a written guide and serving as the third acolyte during the funeral mass. There are few requirements for this ministry: to have been baptized and to be able to receive Holy Communion.
Funeral acolytes who volunteer (using an on-call system) to attend and serve at funeral liturgies, provide a willing presence as ministers to those who are suffering the loss of a loved one. On occasion, an acolyte may be called upon to be a Lector or Eucharistic Minister during the Mass.